
Thursday, 14 June 2012

Olympic Torch is on its way to Treasure Houses of England

Harewood - Tuesday 19 June 2012
On day 32 of its journey around the country, the Torch will be departing from Hull at 07:04am on Tuesday 19 June, and arrives at Harewood at 12:02pm in the afternoon ready to complete the 1-mile route down the drive to the front of the House.  You can line the street in the village and also the top section of the main drive into Harewood to see the Olympic Flame and support your local Torchbearers as they carry it past. Our Torchbearers for this, the Harewood leg of the relay, are Janet Baker, Jonny Johnson and Roy Leinster.  Local schools have been invited to welcome the Torch to Harewood House as it arrives, and Harewood members and visitors are welcome to come on the day to see all the action too.

Chatsworth Delighted to Welcome the Olympic Flame on June 29
The Olympic Flame will travel to Chatsworth on Friday June 29 as part of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay tour of the region.  The torch will be carried into the garden onto the south lawn for a press photo opportunity against the backdrop of the restored south façade of the house renewed with re-gilded paintwork and sparklingly clean stonework. The torch will then be visible from the parkland as it is carried in front of Bastion Wall on the West Front of the House.

The Duke of Devonshire said: "We are delighted to welcome the Olympic Flame to Chatsworth. The relay is a fantastic way for us to share in the excitement of the Olympics and is a great opportunity to showcase some of the most beautiful landmarks across the country."

On Tuesday 3 July, day 46 of the Olympic Torch Relay, Burghley will welcome the flame into the park to change hands in front of the Elizabethan mansion, in the presence of Miranda Rock, the granddaughter of former Olympic Hurdler, David Cecil, Lord Burghley, who won a gold medal at the 1928 Games and Lord Coe.

The Olympic Torch relay continues on to the glorious Hatfield House, Elizabeth 1st childhood home on Sunday, July 8 at around 2.15.

Blenheim Palace welcomes the Olympic flame, on Monday 9th July - sharing in the excitement of the relay and celebrating the achievements of the Torchbearers.  From 1.30 pm there will be free entry to Blenheim Park, Great Court and East Courtyard; this will include free parking.  (Normal pricing through the morning until 1.30pm).  The Torch relay is expected to come through Woodstock Town Gate and into Blenheim Park at around 3.40pm.

19 July : Celebrate the Olympic Flame and watch history being made at Leeds Castle, as the Olympic Torch passes through the estate on its journey around the UK.

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