
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Motor on down to Beaulieu's spring autojumble 19th & 20th May

On the 19th and 20th May, motoring enthusiasts will be back in force for Beaulieu’s popular Spring Autojumble, when the grounds of the world-famous National Motor Museum will be filled with trade stands and gleaming motors.

For the seasoned autojumbler, this is an event not to be missed, with 1,000 Autojumble spaces selling everything motor-related, including parts, automobilia, literature and accessories. The MotorMart on the Beaulieu Arena has up to 200 vehicles for sale, ranging from concours classics to restorable relics. Among vehicles already registered are a 1933 Rolls-Royce, Riley 1.5 RMA, 1960 Daimler Dart and 1936 Talbot Ten DHC. In addition the DealerMart offers a range of classic cars for sale.

Events Manager, Judith Maddox said: “The show, now in its 19th year, is growing in both scale and popularity, attracting increasing numbers of autojumblers. All bookings for this event are up on last year, and the club stands doing particularly well, with over 40 registered so far.”
This year’s MotorMarque feature celebrates 50 years of the Austin 750 Club.  The club held its inaugural rally at Beaulieu in 1962 and has been coming every year since. The Club will be bringing some of the most beautiful examples of the model to the event for visitors to admire.

In 2013 Morris Minor will be celebrating their centenary, and as a preview they are taking centre-stage in the Grand Marquee this year, showcasing a small selection of their vehicles. Other car clubs in attendance over the weekend include the Wessex Car Club, displaying 25 vehicles in the Beaulieu parkland, Dorset Jeep, Rover Sports Register, Austin 10 Drivers’ Club and Volvo Owners’ Club.

Sunday highlights include Old Sodbury’s Land Rover Sortout, selling Land Rover parts and accessories and Trunk Traders, with amateur autojumblers selling their surplus car bits from the back of their vehicles.

New for 2012 - the Walkabout Auction
is an ‘end of show’ chance to buy and sell. This new feature for Spring Autojumble Sunday offers exhibitors an opportunity to sell off surplus items of stock they don’t want to take home with them. For just £1, they can buy a box to fill with bits (larger items can go alongside), to be auctioned at the end of the afternoon by a guest auctioneer. It’s a simple and easy way of buying or selling those last bits from the show and there are no auction fees to pay.

Hampshire based company, Easy Logistics, this year sponsoring the delivery service and will also be providing a SHIP FROM SHOW service, offering a global delivery service from the event.

Visitors to the event will be able to enjoy all the Beaulieu attractions, including the National Motor Museum, World of Top Gear and the latest exhibition, BOND IN MOTION. The exhibition, the largest of its kind staged anywhere in the world, showcases 50 of the best loved and most iconic Bond vehicles – some never before seen in public - in celebration of the 50th year of James Bond films. It even includes the timelessly classic Aston Martin DB5 from ‘Goldfinger’, loved by Bond and classic car fans alike.

Plus, for some light entertainment, enter On Screen Cars to see the motoring stars of TV and Film. Find Harry Potter’s ‘flying’ Ford Anglia in the limelight alongside the DeLorean from ‘Back to the Future’.

There is a special on-the-day, inclusive price of £9.50 for adults and £7.20 for children, even less if booked in advance on the ticket hotline: 01590 612888, or online at
There is still time to book Autojumble stand spaces with prices starting at £63, £40 for MotorMart spaces and £37.50 for Trunk Trader (Sunday only). Just contact the Events Department on 01590 614614 or email:

Spring Autojumble is sponsored by Classics Monthly magazine.


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